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Chapter 4: Finite Time ⏰

There will always be something that needs to be fixed.

You can't fix every problem: decide which problems you will fix.

Side quests are a lot of fun but life is not a video game that you can 100%. Will you do a or b?

Doing All the Things

Choose projects that support your growth, reputation and happiness.

Every week has 168 hours.

In addition to your time, other resources to manage include: energy, quality of life, credibility, social capital and skills.


Finite Time

Typically, work calendars show meetings, the interruptions to work.

  • Put work on your calendars (in addition to meetings).

This makes it really easy to see whether you can afford to tap y on that side quest.

How busy do you like to be?

Can you handle something extra without melting down?

  • Use the maps we've discussed thus far to guide these decisions.

Choosing work


There will always be a balance between choosing the strictly most important next thing and choosing the work that's right for you.

Taking care of one's own needs can be compatible with being a team player!

Resource Constraints


  • Can be built by

    • solving hard problems
    • being visibly competent
    • consistently showing good technical judgment
  • Balance

    • seeing the big picture
    • accepting pragmatic local solutions


Don't take on projects that teach you onothing (relevant/useful).

  • Increased by
    • structured learning
    • take a class
    • read a book
    • a well-scoped project
    • working closely with someone skilled
    • by doing
    • be hands-on
    • spend time